
The kids are in!

Today is extremely hard to describe with words...  and I don't think pictures can do it either...  We went and...

A Few Words For the EEY

In June, right before we showed up, a group of students from the Vail Mountain School came to Meru to...

On our way to work.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip;  Glue bottle in hand, Kevin runs after Mikey at the...

Greening the Desert: another plug for permaculture!

A very cool insight into how we can reshape arid places in order to make them sustainable. This is encouraging...


My wrist is finally good to go for plastering so I got out of what Mikey referred to as the...

Chippin' away part 2.

Still chippin'...  On the second day of chiseling the slab I pulled a muscle in my right forearm.  To keep...

cactus tree essay

Harambe = Togetherness

Fundraising is an event that happens all over the world; it takes different forms and is used for various reasons;...

Bikes and bikes.

This year, we welcomed three new members to our AI family in Meru.  The Amani Crusader, Kukukachoo The Locomo Bike,...


A stop though one of our favorite cities to have a connection.

Chippin' away.

The past 4 days JP, a couple of our co-workers and I have been armed with hammers and chisels. Our...

Tribute to the garden

One of my best memories form last October was pulling rocks out of the ground to get the garden started. ...